Thread: Triggering (SH): Cant stop...cutting daily
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Re: Cant stop...cutting daily - October 21st 2013, 11:34 PM

Hey there,

I'm really sorry to hear about what your sister is doing to you. You really don't deserve that at all, you are a really great person and don't need to be treated in the way she is.

Do you know why she is treating you like that? If not, maybe on a day when everything is calm, you can sit down with her and ask her if there is any problem that she has right now that may be causing her to act like that. If you can find out what's going on, maybe you will be able to speak with her and solve it so she can stop doing this.

Maybe you can find things to do to avoid your sister for a while. For instance, if you know she's moody, you can try and stay out of her way a little bit, whether it's going in your room to avoid her, or just not making a whole lot of contact so you can avoid any arguments. Maybe you can even get out of the house for a while, which can help with not only avoiding your sister, but also getting your mind off of her and onto more fun things, rather than self harming. It can be a walk to clear your mind, or something more like seeing a movie, a sport, or going to hang out with someone. It's okay to have fun every once in a while, as well as clear your mind.

Try and find things to do to take care of yourself as well. Maybe you can take a shower then read a good book or watch a movie, or do other hobbies or things that interest you. In other words, focus on you and nobody else, because you deserve time for yourself. Try and find ways to express your emotions differently as well, for instance instead of self harming because of what your sister says, you can write it out or use art or music to express your thoughts. That way not only are you getting it out, but you have a creative piece to add to it! I'm sure you've seen it before but I'll also link you to the alternatives to self harm list so you can have other things to do in the moment.

Remind yourself of all the good qualities and accomplishments you have, or other people think you have as well. Write them down if you need to. They can be anything, whether appearance or personality, small or large. They all add up, and those are the things you should be thinking of when your sister starts in. That way, you have a reminder that sure, your sister may say these things, but they're not true, and look at all of these other great qualities you have! Replace any negative thoughts that may come of her treating you badly with positive ones as well. It may be hard at first, but it trains you to think positively.

Write down or print out encouraging quotes and pictures as well. These serve as a reminder that you CAN do this and you CAN get through this.

Things may be hard for you now, but they won't be this way forever. Keep your head held high and stay strong, you can do this!


Do you ever get a little bit tired of life
Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die
Like you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive
'Cause you gotta survive
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