Originally Posted by olive98
i am careful not to put sperm on my bottoms just nipples (not to be dirty just cos its like a lotion).
I know that feeling

glad I am not the only one to think that. Tried rubbing it in?
Originally Posted by olive98
so if i keep making them fly out it will not fly out anymore?
for a short time, yes. they will start again after a short wait, how long that wait is varies between men. I must say that I have not tried measuring how long I take though. You will have to try to see. The danger is though, that he may get worn out, but experiment and see what works. All I can go on is my experiences, I do not really have any scientific or medical facts to back any of this up (I have never bothered to look though).
Originally Posted by olive98
my girl friend said her bfs just changes tastes.
That is poss if you change diet, but I have not heard of it happening that way before. I heard about it changing taste if you change diet on a program I watched last year, I can not remember the program name, but I know I recorded it so I have it somewhere, if I could just remember where

. I can not remember where I read it, but I did read that you need to be careful with oral sex as well as any other kind of sex with regards to STI's and STD's as they can be passed on that way too.
Originally Posted by olive98
i got problems with waking up cos sometimes i sleep throw my alarm and mum wakes me up.
What I do, just before I go to sleep I say to myself this is what time it is, and this is what time I need to wake up. it works most of the time. I also use what is known as white noise programs. They play noise on a loop, and the one I have has a feature that it can fade in over a period of time at a set time, so that you wake up slowly, and I put that on before my alarm. There are free programs, but the one I use is not a free one, although I got it as a free gift. I am not sure if I can say which I use here because of the advertising rule though. But if you are having problems waking, another thing you can try is a second, third or more alarms. Before I got this program, I set multiple alarms on my alarm clock, I think either 5 or 10 mins apart, for about 30 - 60 mins before I needed to wake up. chances are, even if you miss a few, you wont miss them all, esp if you turn the volume up loud enough. You could also try changing the alarm tone. I use the alarm on my radio most of the time, but I also use the one on my phone too if I really need to make sure I wake up. If you find yourself hitting the snooze button, move it further away from the bed, so you can not reach it. and maybe have another under your pillow by your ear? Another thing to try is a routine, If you get your body used to going to sleep at a set time and getting up at a set time each day, you will naturally do it. It does not have to be the same time each day of the week, it just has to be regular, say wake up at 8am on mondays, 7 on teusdays, 7.30 on wednesdays etc, it doesnt even need to be around the same times too, I get up at 8am on saturdays and 11 on sundays, and as long as it is the same every saturday and every sunday, your body will know the difference and be able to wake up at the right time. The advantage of this is that your body will expect to wake up, and will make sure you get through an entire sleep cycle before you wake up so you do not wake up sleepy. If you do this though, you have to make sure you stick to the schedule, esp when you are setting it up, which takes a lot of will power, but it is worth it. It is also supposed to be very good for your health and well being too, but that is just what I have heard.
Originally Posted by olive98
can people tell if we were touching ourself in bed? to be safe i only touch during the day!
Very unlikely, unless you still are when you wake up, or you are in a position that looks like you are when you wake up. If you are in the same position when you wake up as you usually are, no one will be able to tell. And even if someone can, chances are they will not say anything anyway.
Originally Posted by olive98
it seems fun to wait cos it makes you look at men and imagine i think.
It is fun to wait.