Originally Posted by olive98
oh i meant he has too much power cos his sperm slips out too fast, i sat on his lap with my dress up and his sperm went on my undies.thats why i keep mine on even when im excited!
He should probably keep his on too.
On topic though, he could practice lasting longer while masturbating. There are quite a few techniques, like thinking about something very unsexual when he feels like he is about to come. At a guess I would say he may suffer with something that a number of men suffer with, premature ejaculation. I have not really looked into this, but there are methods to help. That said, most men do not last long at all. if they are lasting more than a few minutes, they are unusual. I would love to consistently last more than a few minutes, but if you cant last more than a few seconds, that sounds like there is a problem.
Originally Posted by olive98
he said i'm ready to lose my virginity cos my undwear goes soaked when we kiss-cuddle.
looking up at the previous quote, are you sure it is not his sperm soaking your underwear?

Seriously though, that's not true. That is not an indication of being ready to loose your virginity. You can NOT and should NOT let someone else tell you when you are ready. This applies not only to loosing your virginity, but having sex in any relationship, or in fact having sex any time. and you can even extend this to anything you do. depending on your age, there are only 2 "people"(for lack of a better word) that can tell you what to do. 1. your parents when you are young and living at home, and 2. the law. anything else is your choice. Of-course sometimes, you have to make a choice, stick to the rules of where you are or not go there, or do something - but that is still your choice, not someone else's. If someone is trying to make you do something you do not want to do (except your parents if you are a child living at home), you just say no. If they keep on insisting, walk away and ignore them, and in a relationship, they are not worth being with.
Originally Posted by olive98
to be honest i don't wanna lose my virginity this year anyway but maybe next year.
Then tell him that, and if he is not happy/ok with this, then he probably is not right for you, and you should find someone who will respect what you want, and not just think of themselves.