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Re: I'm too lonely... -
October 16th 2013, 04:18 AM
Hey, Matthew!
Sorry you're going through this, things seem pretty tough for you right now. I can understand how this would be really disappointing for you. Eventually you'll start to feel better though, it won't always be like this. In the meantime, do you have any friends you can spend time with to take your mind off this girl? Might be good to talk to someone if you can, because bottling this up could make it a lot worse getting through.
As for your SA (social anxiety, right?), could you try and do things that make you uncomfortable to help you get past it? I don't mean jump into a really uncomfortable thing, just little things at first. Like starting small conversations with people. Kind of hard but it's worth a shot, right? Little steps can always contribute.
Do some things you enjoy to try and cheer yourself up. Hobbies hobbies hobbies! Go for a walk to clear your head, play some games, write poetry or simply vent in a notebook. Watch movies, read... etc. Distractions are the best things right now. Speaking of, do you have any pets? They're really wonderful to have around all the time, but they're especially great when you're lonely. Lastly, remember these feelings won't last forever. Hang in there, it gets better. 
Last edited by DeletedAccount8; October 17th 2013 at 02:18 AM.