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Name: olive
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Re: how can i help my boyfriend? -
October 11th 2013, 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by Mahray
You may be physically ready, but emotionally? It's your decision, and it has to be your decision alone. Don't let anyone ever pressure you into sex, or losing virginity!
he is too big for me is my concern but hard to tell i guess cos ppl my age have babies 
Originally Posted by WallersFarm
Agreed! ^ and if they try to pressure you into sex leave them
Originally Posted by AngelWings
When I was younger, my father thought me one thing - don't play a game if you don't know the rules.

Back to the topic... When he said he might not be able to keep his sperm in, he was actually right - if he never had sex or masturbated before, he'll propably ejaculate immediatelly after penetration, or short while after. You can't really help him.
he took my bra home so pretty sure he mastbates. i guess its good to save virginity so i guess its nice that he might not be ready either . how long before he is less powerful?