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Name: taylor
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Re: Would you rather your child be a bully or be bullied? - October 2nd 2013, 02:45 AM

Whoa.... that's one intense question.

Um... I think... I think I'm going to say... this is so hard because I've always had this mindset that if I have kids, they're going to be the sweetest little things ever, and I know that they'll be liked, I'd really try my hardest to be this amazing mother so they AREN'T mean to people, and bully. But its not in my control or their control if they are bullied, so at least its not something that could have been taken care of? But I don't want my kid(s) to be bullied either, that's so harsh and I could never say that, you know? In my heart I'm just sort of praying that they would be able to come to me and their father, and talk about it, so we could stop the bullying and be there for them, and help them see their true friends and that hurting themselves or acting out isn't the right route.

...I can't answer this. I'm not even... sure