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Re: Girlfriend and Snapchat? - September 28th 2013, 04:55 AM

I think what matters is are YOU okay with her getting nearly nude photos from other people on Snapchat. I assume you are in a monogamous relationship, no? Completely freaking out if your girlfriend flirts a little with someone is one thing, but receiving sexual images from other men over the internet is another thing. It doesn't necessarily mean she is going to cheat on you, or that she is sending back those sorts of images herself, but I would say it's within the realm of reasonable to be upset that your girlfriend is accepting pretty much nude pictures from random men on the internet.

Now, I don't know you or your girlfriend. For her, this may be a bit of harmless fun, and it doesn't mean anything. But it sounds like it really makes you uncomfortable, and if that's the case, it may be time to have a talk with your girlfriend. It's honorable that she came to you and told you about these photos, instead of you finding out like it was a big dirty secret. But that doesn't necessarily mean it's okay to just say that it's fine if it's not.

So have a talk with her about it. Let her know it makes you uncomfortable and why. If she gets defensive about it, ask her to think about how she would truly feel if you flirted blatantly in front of her. How she would feel if you were on Snapchat accepting pictures of women who were almost completely naked.

If it doesn't go in a resolvable direction for the both of you, it may be time to ask yourself if you want to be with someone who engages in these sorts of behaviors when they know they are upsetting and that they make you uncomfortable.