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Gingerbread Latte Offline
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Name: Cara
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Alcohol and Depression - September 27th 2013, 03:04 PM


So first off I don't go out very often and I don't drink all that much when I do go out. The past few times I've gone out though and had a drink the day after I will just feel my depression much more. I cry a lot, feel like hurting myself, feel like overdosing etc. etc.

Now I know alcohol is a depressant but it's only recently that it's caused this to happen and it doesn't matter if I have one drink or 10, the effect is still the same the next day.

I enjoy having a few drinks when I go out and it's not like I binge drink but obviously I don't want it to start making my depression worse so is there anything I can do other than not have a drink? If it's only just happening recently is there any chance it'll just go away again?

I came off my antidepressants earlier this year since the side effects were outweighing the benefits (I was on them for anxiety mostly so they just switched me to a different kind of med to help with that). Do you think that could have anything to do with it? Because it has only happened the last few times I've gone out and all these times were after I'd come off the meds...

Any advice at all would be appreciated, I tried looking it up on google but not much came up other than "alcohol is a depressant, it can cause depression" and that doesn't really help me that much.