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Name: taylor
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Question Foreign Language Dilemma- What About College? - September 20th 2013, 04:18 PM

Hi guys, Tay here I'm currently a sophomore (10th grade) in high school, and I haven't really figured out where I want to go for college in two years, except that I want to major in music (whether that be theater or recording or...anything music). Today during my French class, our principal comes in and says that they are cutting the French program, and gave the class 4 options:

1. Dropping French and taking Chinese, the class that is replacing this. The Chinese class would start as if it was the beginning of the year, considering I've been in school for about a month now. This way, I would have 1 year of French, and any other year I decide to take of Foreign language would be in Chinese.

2. Dropping Foreign Language altogether and taking something else. If I were to do this, my only idea is that I'd double up with a different class, like... I don't know, a science or something. That or I'd take an art or cooking class, I'm pretty sure you need at least one of each to graduate here.

3. Continue with French 2 (the program I'm in, thus this is my second year). Just a little background on our French class: we don't have a French teacher. Right now, we're using a computer program, which sucks a ton. In French 3, however, we have a teacher, sort of. She teaches us on webcam, from her class a couple miles away. French 4 is the same thing.

4. Drop down to French 1, which is pointless since I'd be wasting my time learning what I learned last year and French 1 is also a computer program. Sucks.

So, I don't like French, so I don't think I want to do the 3rd or 4th option, but I'm not sure. See, I want to major in music at a really great school, that focuses a lot on their music program. Not saying Julliard, that's my huge dream, but some place nice that will get me somewhere. Is there anyone here, by any chance, that is majoring or even minoring in music? Will I need Foreign language to be accepted? If so, how many years? If I drop French, they will put on my transcript that its not my fault, whether or not I went to Chinese or didn't take any other language. But some colleges won't take excuses like that.

Music is all I have. Basically what I'm asking here is, do I need it to get accepted as a music major of any kind, and what is my best option right now? Chinese, Dropping all Foreign Language, Sticking with French 2, or moving down to French 1?