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Re: Im 19 and i think this girl is pregnant - September 19th 2013, 10:15 PM

Hey there,

Yes, there is a chance that she is pregnant with your child because, as stated, pulling out is never a good means of contraception. However, the only way you are going to know for certain is if you get a paternity test after the child is born. I think you should consider text messaging/calling/try to meet up with this girl and explain to her you concerns and asking her if you are the father. It is possible that she will be honest with you and let you know that she never got the emergency contraception or she may confirm that she did and that this baby is, in fact, someone elses. If she is not receptive to your attempts at contacting her you might want to try and talk to your mom and see if she has any suggestions on how you can go about handling this situation. The first step in all of this is trying to determine the paternity of this child.

While providing for the financial needs of a baby is imperative there are also things like emotional needs that you can provide for as well. If it is proved that you are the father you will have to work on providing for the baby both financially and emotionally. I know this might not be the ideal situation but just because you had this situation occur does not mean that you cannot be a good father to the child.

I hope that this helped in some way and I am wishing you the best of luck.