Re: Girlfriend has "accepted God fully and completely" -
September 14th 2013, 06:38 PM
Hey there,
You have asked some good questions and I will try and answer them to the best of my ability. Firstly, not all churches prey on the impressionable. I think that there are some churches that are very good with encouraging people to worship and will help people find God if that is what they CHOOSE but they won't push their views on anyone or anything like that. It does sound like your girlfriends church has been very proactive but as stated I don't know if that means they were preying on a vulnerable member that could just be how they are in general. In all honesty, all churches are different and it is important to remember that fact.
I don't think you are going to have to worry about pictures of Jesus or anything like that. I know a number of Christians and I don't think any of them have pictures in their house. Sometimes they read their bibles and leave them on their couch, bed or something like that but other then that you wouldn't even really know you were entering a Christian household.
Are you sure she will even try and impress her views upon you? She knows that you are an atheist so it is very possible that she will respect that. I know that I have friends that do not believe in God and I respect that and have never once approached the subject of God with them (it is rather unnecessary if you think about it). So, before jumping to the conclusion that because she converted she is going to impress her views on you try and approach the matter with the mind set that she might respect your views just as much as you are going to accept her views. If she does try and impress her views on you you would probably do well to have a conversation with her about it and explain that you are trying really hard to accept her views and to respect her views but you need the same things from her.
Also, I agree that there might be more reasons as to why she changed her views than being impressionable and if you could work on figuring out what those reasons our it could help you out.
Lastly, you can make this relationship work. I have a friend who is Christian and is dating someone who is agnostic or atheist (sorry I can't remember which) and they are making it work. It just all comes down to how the two of you work on approaching it. Yes, there might be times when you two disagree about things but if you can work on overcoming those disagreements and trying to work on some type of resolution you can work through this.
I hope this helped in some way and wishing you the best of luck.