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Name: Mitch
Age: 32
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Girlfriend has "accepted God fully and completely" -
September 14th 2013, 03:08 PM
This might be more of a relationship question. I figured I'm more worried about the effects it will have on my non-spirituality than the relationship itself, hence why I'm posting it here.
Anyway, my girlfriend, 16, has lately been attending "youth groups" at a local church with her friend. She says she finds them to be fun and relaxed; the other teenagers and the group leaders provide her with a good community to express herself, which she doesn't have elsewhere (schooling doesn't help her at all, and her other friends are total wankers). That's fine, I can understand her wanting to join that sort of community.
Before attending these sessions, though, she was an atheist. Obviously, not that much into it at the time and she is easily persuadable. In fact, highly impressionable, I would say. Since finding out she was attending these, though, I haven't stressed and haven't pushed or impressed upon her my atheist views. I don't want to do that, at all.
I find it difficult to accept, though. After going a few times, she was asked to listen to "praise music" for 30 minutes every night. She loves it, not for the praise, but the music itself. She finds she can relate to it on an emotional level. I, personally, don't condone this sort of request. Then, she started receiving messages from the group leaders twice a day about how fantastic God is and basically outlining the positives to accepting the Lord as her saviour.
Tonight, she went to a Christian concert. Not sure what it's called, I think it's Earthshakers or Earthmovers or something of the sort. Basically, a concert filled with personable, impressive, whimsical motivational speakers that praise the Lord in all his holiness. That, and there's obviously "praise music", as she put it.
I received a message after it finished, simply saying "it was great. I accepted God in my heart fully and completely". Obviously, this wasn't a shock: it's impossible to not expect a vulnerable, impressionable young person to accept God, when for the last couple of months, she's been told to immerse herself in Him and she's complied without hesitation because of the strong community she finds herself in. It was, however, a pretty big occasion. It's a huge deal for anyone to convert religious beliefs, but it's even bigger than that because when religious beliefs change, personality changes.
I've basically come here, to the wonderful community of militant atheists and oppressed theists (let's face it guys, atheists outnumber theists two to one in this neck of the woods, and you definitely don't back down - take that as a compliment), to ask a few questions. At the very least, and I'll ask this gingerly, do theist organisations prey on the vulnerable and young for membership and followers? Also, what things should I expect to change in my relationship? Will there be a picture of Jesus on my bedside table that stares at me with the eyes of a smiling assassin as I sleep? Will I be forced to listen to "praise music"?
On a more personal note, how do I tell her not to impress her views on me, without making her feel like her views are being suppressed?
Just generally, what do you think of this whole predicament I find myself in? I do consider myself to be a strong atheist, but I try to keep my opinion close to my chest. I fear, though, that this new spiritual journey my girlfriend is on will impact our relationship - I fear there will be a lot of head clashing because of this, despite my efforts to hold my tongue. I'm curious to hear what you think.