Average Joe ***
Gender: Other
Posts: 107
Join Date: September 4th 2013
Re: My boyfriend is leaving for college and I'm depressed about it -
September 12th 2013, 01:20 AM
Awwh, bless thats Very sweet, Don't worry about that on-off depression, i have that too, i cry in my room for hours for barely any reason too, but also i can see how much he means to you, so it is very believable that you are Very dependent upon your lover, which makes PEERRFEECTT Sense.
You can't bare the thought to be without him for a long period of time, however when he does go into College, you will still be able to Contact him, Alot if BOTH OF you make an decent effort to do so, which i'm sure you BOTH will.
You won't be away from him, or him away from you, as much as you think you can and will still get to see eachother, etc, etc,
Your love is clearly strong enough to Make Sure you have him in your Arms, and your love will make you Try your ABSOLUTE BEST To be close to him.
You will be able to contact him Alot, don't dare threat! 
Also, i think you should enjoy the time you have with him now, just relaaax, when that time does come, its not going to be as dramatic or as bad as you think, you will adapt to it and you will see.
Don't worry about him, Hun, you won't be separated like your thinking of, your boyfriend loves you as just as much as you love him, and he is very dependent on you i bet! He couldn't bare to be without you either; so he is going to make SURE he'll do his Best to be CLOSE to you! <3 