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Re: Writing a college essay - September 10th 2013, 12:23 PM

Originally Posted by Terabithia. View Post

I don't KNOW what shaped me to who I am today, or why I'll be a valuable member of the community because of it. I also don't know my personal plan for success. The only thing I know is why I'm interested in the public health program, because my dad got a rare infectious disease as well as cancer, so now I want to help people. Which I guess shaped me doing well in school to a flaw, therefore also shaping me to who I am today? I don't even know.
I know you say you don't know, but I've been writing grad school applications so I can totally understand why you would be like this. Something like your dad getting a rare infectious disease like you mentioned (which is why I quoted it) is a huge thing, it's very significant, and that could shape you and your choice in public health and your wish to make a difference in that field. I'd absolutely pursue that as an option. I you you think it might be overkill but I highly doubt that the admission officers would think so as long as you're able to express this well (coherent, well thought out, well placed etc.). You could make that a major focus point, cause, really, I don't think they care if your gossiping back stabbing friends are the reason why you have become a private person, they don't need an entire personality review of irrelevant information. They mostly want to know what qualities you will bring to the program (like why do you take your school work so seriously, why you care about the issues you care about, etc.).

As for saying what you want to do in the long run, well you could simply keep it open ended, say things about how you are keeping your options open while your in school because you don't want to close yourself off before you've had the wide range of experiences that the program and work you will do outside of school can offer but that you know you'd like to have a career in public health and that you want to be in a position where you can make a difference and if you have any ideas suggest it like maybe you want to be a health communication specialist (where you promote events and spread the word about staying healthy, preventing disease etc.) or maybe you want to do something more medically inclined or maybe you want to do something more social work related or something with international development, any of those options could allow you to deal with health issues, but again, this is something that, if it is well worded will work in your favour.

What they really want to hear is that you have a reason to want to learn it and that you want to make a difference. I highly doubt they seriously expect the average 18 year old to be like "like in 4-6 years I want to be working for X doing X and building up to X" because why would they want someone who's so closed to thinking about other potential paths in the public health field? They want to not only educate you but also open your mind to everything that's out there so as long as you make it clear that you have an end objective with public health but you're keeping the exact position open ended I'm sure you'll be find

Feel free to PM me if you ever need to chat or have questions