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Gingerbread Latte Offline
Stay determined
Jeez, get a life!
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Re: Cheating boyfriend. - September 9th 2013, 10:14 PM

Honestly, I think you should just leave him. As someone who's been cheated on before and gone back to the guy I can say with 99.9% certainty that you'll never be able to trust him in the same way again.

If there's no trust in a relationship it will eventually end and it'll probably end badly. Everytime he texts someone you'll be constantly wondering if he's cheating again. Everytime he goes away for a weekend or for a day trip you'll be wondering if he's taking another girl with him. Everytime he says he can't hang out because he's busy doing something you'll be wondering if he's with someone else.

Trust me when I say that this relationship will probably not get very far after this event. You deserve to be with someone who's faithful and honest with you and while it might seem hard for you to leave him now because you're in love but in a couple of months you'll feel so much better and then a year from now you'll look back on this and won't be able to believe you even considered staying with him.

You have the final decision though and while it may seem like I'm trying to get you to end it, I don't know you or him personally so I can't say your experiences will be the same as mine. I just don't like seeing people blinded by what they think is love that they settle for less than they deserve.
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