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x_sepi_x Offline
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Re: The Medication Decision - September 9th 2013, 04:12 PM

Hey there,

I understand your concerns about taking anti-depressants to control your mood. It is quite a daunting part of therapy to consider, which is normal in any big decision your going to take. However without trying them, you won't really know if they work for you or not.

I know a lot of people say anti-depressants are no good, but many just say it via word of mouth, or rumours. Many people who haven't even taken them yet just decide they're not going to work when they really don't know. In actual fact everybody is different, every brain is different, every level of depression in people is different, types of anti-depressants are different, and the situations/personality type/background of the people taking the anti-depressants is too different. So again it is a matter of trying it before you can judge it. I was very precautious about taking tablets too, after my doctor advised me to start taking them, 6 years into my depression. I didn't want medication, didn't think it would make a difference, didn't believe takin a pill everyday would make me better, but until I didn't start trying them I didn't know. Even then, it was my fourth antidepressant which worked for me. And its not even an instant change, all they do is help stabilize your mood. You still feel your normal emotions like anger sadness happiness etc, you definitely do not turn into a zombie (at least not when the tablets have got into your system ) They just keep your mood from dropping too low, and help you to manage things better.

There is a lot of different types of anti-depressants and I know it might seem easier to just go for counselling, but both therapies work very well together. It does take time and patience to find the right one which works for you. It takes time for them to kick into your system, and you have to keep taking them, Do remember they're not like painkillers which you just take as an when you need. You have to keep taking them until your doctor and you both feel you're well enough to start decreasing your dose and eventually coming off them altogether.

I know they have really helped me get better by keeping my mood stable. Sometimes I wish i'd listened the first time i'd been told about taking medication, then may be my recovery from depression would have happened earlier. But overall I am glad I started taking them, they really do help and would encourage anyone with a long history of depression to start taking them.

Hope this helps in some way
Pm me if you need anything

Take care x

''No pressure, no diamonds''

There may not always be a direct answer to a problem, but there is always a way to get through it.
Strength is the best quality of the human mind and body, and I believe everyone has it; whether they believe it or not. Look for that tiny glimmer of hope deep inside yourself and once you've found it let it blossom, glow and illuminate your life.

I'm always here if anyone wants to talk.

x x x