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Re: Religion Controls? - September 8th 2013, 10:15 PM

I don't know whether religion was created solely to control people - it was created for fear of a lack of knowledge, primarily, I think.

However, I think it is very true to say that certain aspects of religion are extremely useful for controlling people, even if they contradict themselves (eg. "God loves you, so give Him your money, or in His love, he shall send you to a fiery pit to be tortured forever - because he's moral." ).
Way to be controversial. You do have a way of thinking that I hate a lot. Let's comment on the aspect's you say that are good for controlling people. "God loves you, so give Him your money" I'm pretty sure you're referencing the whole give a donation to the church thing. Think about it, the church doesn't sell anything, and it doesn't ask to pay for the service it provides. So it just ask's for simple donation's and depending on the pastor or priest. They might use God as a incentive. It's not really bad, but Atheist's like you make it seem bad. "in His love, he shall send you to a fiery pit to be tortured forever - because he's moral." Referencing Hell and that God is immoral because there is a hell. I can see where you're going with this, Atheist believe that Hell is used as an behavior modification tool. Which I don't think it is. I'm going to be brutally honest. Hell is an behavior modification tool, and for the better. Imagine if no one cared about how they treated other people and just where jerks similar to the amazing atheist. It would be bad. God doesn't want people to go to hell, that's why in the bible he encourage's his worshiper's to spread his word. That's why the bible, and pastor's use hell as a behavior modification tool. So we don't have people going to hell in the first place.