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Beautiful Disaster Offline
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Re: Does school make your depression worse? - September 7th 2013, 04:08 PM

It's totally down to the individual, as others have said. Tay said it perfectly - I think it depends largely on the cause of your depression in the first place, the type of school you go to and the sort of person you are.

For me it's a bit more complicated, I've been depressed as long as I remember and mainly due to things outside of school, so school seemed a safe-ish place. Secondary school was a definite trigger for my depression and I self harmed in school a fair bit. Friendships were difficult and I was quite bright so there was pressure to succeed etc. But at the same time, I knew the teachers, knew the place and I knew certain people couldn't hurt me there. Then I moved on to sixth form (college/A-levels) and had amazing friendship groups, good teachers and I enjoyed the subjects I was doing much more. I think sixth form highlighted some symptoms of depression for me but I think it more helped, rather than hindered.

You have to have the negative things in life
to be able to appreciate the positives.
TG 05/04/2013