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Re: Homosexuality, Religion, and Family. -
September 3rd 2013, 05:06 AM
Hey there Lorra,
For a long time I feared that liking girls was going to make me lower to god, and to my family and to those that cared about me the most. I learned a few things though. One that those that truly care about you. Are not going to care what gender you prefer. This includes family. I did a lot of digging with the bible when it came to sexual orientation, and I still don't have all the answers, hell I may not have any of the answers, but I am going to share with you what I think I discovered, and how I approached the topic. Take with it what you think is beneficial and leave the rest.
One thing that I considered was that god created all humans, yes? He loves them all too. So why would he have created something that he didn't love and approve of? He wouldn't have. People will argue that homosexuality is a choice and that god didn't create humans this way and that its a choice. I disagree. Do straight people wake up every day and make the conscious decision to like the opposite sex? I don't think so. So what makes people believe that homosexuals wake up every day deciding to like the same sex.
There is a verse in the bible and I am not sure what the actually verse number and everything is but it's something along the lines of you and your partner needing to be equally yolked. So think about it this way. If you and a man are not equally yolked and you marry one, then are you disobeying god? I think that the bible sort of runs based on how you interpret it.
I want to touch on what Kat said about how could loving someone be a sin. I don't think it can. If being with a girl is what feels right then go with that. Be who you want to be and who you feel most comfortable being with. Also good luck to you two ladies
Hope this helped!
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