why am i having these depression mood changes -
August 24th 2013, 12:21 AM
my mood keeps changing i have been depressed all day
but at the moment my problems dont seem to bother me ?
its confusing
to be honest im nto doing nothing diffreant i seriously am not doing nothing diffreant
all im doing is sitting her eon my laptop posting on football forums and listening to music off my phone thats bascly what i normally do
why am i having a day of depression then an hour where there seems to be a war up against my saddness
because that how it feels to be honest
it feels like im behind a wall in a nice village for example why the assassins are outside waiting for me trying to break it down
its wired to be honest im sceard about waking up tomorrow knowing me ill waake up to kill me now attitude
its lovely to have a break from feeling sad i must admit!!!
sorry for any spelling erros