Re: Complaint of the day -
August 23rd 2013, 09:50 PM
One of the school administrators made me change out of my shorts into my jeans, because they were an inch too short for dress code (they're supposed to be finger-tip length). Besides the fact that she was extremely RUDE about it, and that I felt like I was about to cry (I'm a really sensitive person), I noticed a group of girls walking by with shirts the same length as mine. They also were wearing spaghetti-strap tops and those shirts that show off your belly (both against dress code as well). She sees them, makes an expression on her face, and doesn't even stop them. Why? Probably because they're skinny....I'm not overweight...but I'm not considered thin either...I'm "thick". I believe kids should wear clothes that flatter their body, and I thought I looked totally fine in those shorts...they covered my butt AND had three inches more of fabric covering my upper thigh. None of my teachers cared, kids have worn worse in school, but the lady who resembles that slug woman from Monsters Inc stopped me in the hall, when there were two more hours left of school, because the shorts on me were inappropriate, but the shorts on the other girls (some the same length as mine, some shorter) were totally fine.
I know, it's the rules and I should follow them. I'm just a wild stallion that cannot be tamed. It was also just an honest mistake; I thought that they were long enough.
But honestly..if you're going to stop me, please stop them as well.
I was already self conscious about my legs and weight. This was the first time I've worn shorts to school in two years.
And the administrator just made everything feel worse.
Sorry for the long rant.
"Don't tell me you're not beautiful. You're the kind of beautiful the blind would see if we could figure out some way to give them three seconds of sight." -- Shane Koyczan