Originally Posted by ally34
hey guys i accidentally posted this under the suicide form & im not sure how to move it so I am re-posting it here. I haven't been on here for a while I used to post quit a bit.. tbh im not sure if im getting old for this site if so i apologize but i have received some useful advice here compared to other sites  .. i am 22 and so is my boyfriend. we have been together for almost 5 years.. he means so much to me and we plan on living together before getting married when we finish uni.. he has also given me a promise ring. anyways hes been extremely patient in waiting for me until i was ready for sex.. he waited over 3 years! for me it was just i wasnt ready not so much a religious thing or anything i just wanted us to be sure we'd last and such.
now we have never been away together overnight and have our first trip together to mexico booked for a week with friends..so its me, my bf, his cousin.. one of my closest girlfriend.. and 2 of her guy friends. So the 2 guys are close to me and other 2 guys close to my best friend (havent met them yet)
my bf of course wanted to share a room with me but so did my best friend.. i was always taught that chicks before dicks kind of thing and i dont want to ditch my best friend she wanted to room with me and her 2 guy friends are nothing more than close friends. so i told my bf and he has his cousin now. the only time i did sleep in same bed all night with my bf was on my birthday in a big suite but with a bunch of friends so it wasnt awkward and no sex or anything.
so i explained to my bf and my best friend how i do not want to spend all night all week in a hotel room like a fake honeymoon when we arent living together yet or more committed..and my bf understood. everyone will not agree with this and i dont want to argue with anyone but to me its a fake honeymoon and i told him i would when we are living together in a few years and committed in that way.
now the thing is ive been thinking about it and i do want to really sleep with him maybe nights of the week int he same bed but i dont want the whole honeymoon us alone feel cause i know well sleep together and have sex is human nature (even tho my friends religious and told me orginally to sleep seperately same room.. not realistic.. )
my bf wants to as well and his cousiin is ok with either me coming into there room , my bfs bed or him leaving there room one night to sleep in my bed ..with adjoining rooms.. so hes cool with it but he understands as hes well been there done that.. but my friend has never had a bf or done anything with a guy and when i tried to ask her she said thats awkward,, yea and said shhe doesnt understand. im going to try and talk to her in person about it but i feel so bad i dont know what to do..is what i want to do not fair to my girlfriend? im talking literally 2 nights max of the trip and id let her know in advance if i might so shes not surprised im gone and it would be in middle of night kind of thing or when shes sleepinng ... i dont want to ditch her at like 12 right when we get back to room we can still stay up talk etc.. i meant more when shes sleeping or something .
any advice plss is what i want to do wrong? my bfs cuz is ok with it like i said cause hes fouled around hes little older he understands and doesnt care where as my friend is pretty religious and originally suggested us to share room and sleep separately -_- and she knows we have had sex! so i dont know what to do at this point ah any advice please..thanks for reading !!  basically i want to sleep in same bed in either room i dont care but not be feeling like were on honeymoon and having sex in hotel room all week alone. .i told him we can when were living together or engaged and he understood. now im thinking maybe she can room with a friend whos a maybe.. and my bfs cousin brings a friend and me and my bf room but again i dont want to ditch her cause i dont think the other girl is coming and i still feel the same of fake honeymoon what i said before but just want to sleep together some nights. ah any advice.. my friend ignored my text when i tried explaining situation and she has said its akward so i said nevermind and how im excited to room with her!
my friend didnt respond to my texts trying to tell her i still want to room and sorry i dont want to make you feel awkward or anything.. and then i asked her today if she got text from last night and she didnt respond but she said respond to something else regarding trip and said to book it tomorrow. i hope shes not trying to get her friend whos a maybe to room with her - im worried
I didn't mind reading your situation, but what's the real issue here? More importantly, what's really bothering you and you feel like you don't have a clue what to do? You seem to have said a lot (and I'm not saying that's bad at all), but I don't know what's your main concern. Is it your boyfriend and you sleeping either separately or together in the same room, your friend sleepind with another friend of hers, or is it both your concern? Are there more concerns than that?