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Re: Lesbians dating FTM transgenders? -
August 10th 2013, 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by LiveLongAndProsper
No, but the issue here isn't with the person's identity necessarily. It's with whether or not saying you're a lesbian de - legitimises the identities of the trans guys you date. I would never date someone who self IDed as a lesbian because I would feel (regardless of whether or not this was true) that I was being treated as a girl not a boy.
Originally Posted by PrettyBoiSwag
Me personally I would not date a lesbian I only date straight girls and bisexual girls, Because If a lesbian trys to date me shes not respecting my idenity as male so no, And we are men just with a birth defect, Their is no third gender
I agree that it's insulting if they're attracted to FTMs simply because they still have vaginas. However, everyone makes exceptions. And some people who identify as lesbian may be attracted to both but choose to identify that way because they're primarily attracted to women. That's the problem with labels -- you can't rely on them 100% to be able to know how exactly a person identifies, as a lot of it is up to personal interpretation. Without an explanation from the person herself, you're filling the silence with your own assumptions, which may or may not be true. For all you know, someone who is bisexual may be just as likely to treat you as a girl as someone who is lesbian -- or more. My point is, I think you should always ask for the details of a person's sexuality before assuming that she's trying to undermine your masculinity. Just like you don't want people making assumptions about your gender, others don't want to be misjudged by their sexuality -- because that's rather insulting and small-minded, too.