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Storyteller. Offline
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Name: Charlie
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Re: Article Idea :) - August 10th 2013, 05:19 AM

Hey! Thanks for getting involved.

First, would you mind renaming the thread to reflect what the article will be, just so we can tell what it's about without having to click on it? If everyone posted threads with titles like 'article idea' the whole forum would be a mess.

To answer your question about Avatar, yes, there is an easier way. First, open the issue you want or an issue from the year you want. The URL will be something like, for example, this: When you're finished reading January's issue, just replace the 'January' and replace with 'February', so you get If you want to go from December one year to January the next, remember to change both the number after 'files' and the one after the date. Also, be careful as the formatting changes between years. For 2007, 2008, and 2009, it's the month and then the last two letters of the year (eg. March09), but for 2010 and 2011 it's the month and then the full year (eg. September2011). Okay, not sure that explanation made much sense, but basically what I'm saying is that if you just adjust the URL you don't have to go back to the archive every time.

Now, about your article. The closest thing I could find was an article in this issue, but that one's about how to react if someone tells you they're self harming, not what to do if you want to tell someone you are. So I'd say you're all set with that, unless anyone else finds an article I missed. It's up to you how much you want to include. Personally, I think you should either do something very broad (eg. 'telling someone close to you that you self harm', which is inclusive of family, partners, friends, etc), something more specific (eg. just focussing on family, or partners, or friends), or something that includes all of them (eg. have most of it as broad 'telling someone you self harm' information, and then add some more specific details, like a paragraph on each of family, partners, and friends). For now I'd wait and see what Robin, the queen of Mind & Body, has to say.

"Love means never having to say
you're a werewolf."