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Re: Trayvon Martin-George Zimmerman -
August 3rd 2013, 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by Maverick.
I'm just saying, look at this video.
That driver is caught speeding and is given a ticket, and is also being taped without his consent.
George Zimmerman was caught speeding and was given a warning by the job in a somewhat nice gesture.
He then becomes a hypocrite and leaks the dash cam video to the masses which not only reveals the area he might still be residing in, it also shows his vehicle which is not good if he is supposedly trying to go into hiding.
Second of all, I don't think anyone is against me.
I'm not racist. I may be prejudiced but don't you dare think that I call the race card every five seconds.
Being black, I was raised as a baby by a white family and I didn't know my birth parents until after I graduated from High School so don't think I haven't been on the other side of the grass, because I have.
Alright there, Mr. Maverick. I have viewed both the video you posted and the one of Zimmerman being pulled over, and here's what I've gathered.
In the video where the Black male was pulled over. The video only shows half of the traffic stop. Where the LEO is issuing the male his citation. The male was being rude, 'rowdy', and threatening the Officer that he will 'break' his stuff if it goes in his 'fancy car'. He then proceeds to personally insult the Officer, on his weight and that he 'probably doesn't drive a nice car', and that is isn't worth anything, because he is doing his job.
The facts are, he was issued a citation for breaking the law.. The concept you seemed to not understand in the video. The only hypothesis I can come up with, is the LEO seems to be White, the Male is black, so he must of been racially profiled because of the color of his skin. Where, to be issued a "$500 traffic ticket"; you must of been doing something incredibly stupid and reckless. The fact he was being rude towards the LEO is only more justification to issue a citation, in general, if you act like an asshat, you're going to get cited and not a chance of being let off with a warning. In NO part of that video, was the LEO ever rude to the Person, even though in all means he didn't deserve the respect the LEO gave to him. Also, Privacy? You lose the expectation to privacy the second you go in public. The dash cams are there for the safety of the LEOs and the Public. People everyday get recorded whether it be by other people using video cameras, security cameras, etc.
Now.. Onto the Zimmerman video.
A) When the LEO approached Zimmerman, Zimmerman didn't treat the LEO like shit. He was being calm, respectable. etc. He didn't call the LEO a "Fat ass", and was being a shit head like the other Person in the video you posted. He wasn't aware he was getting 'off' with a warning until the last part of the traffic stop. He also wasn't going to the Officer, 'bragging' about his 'fame'. Saying, "Oh, hey, look at me, I'm George Zimmerman." He was saying that to, when the LEO asked where he was going and he said "No where, in particular. As he did not want to say the location he was going to on the Microphone. So it wasn't public. It also did not say ANYWHERE that the Law Enforcement Officer who conducted the traffic stop is the one who leaked the video. Here's a little tip, Dash cam videos are able to be viewed to the public. There's a reason why there are shows such as "World's most amazing Police chases".
So, in conclusion, Mr. Maverick. No it does not make me think that the LEO was being a "Hypocrite ass cop". Both Officers in the Video you posted and the George Zimmerman traffic video, did their job. There's a thing called 'Police discretion', that allows a LEO to best deal with a situation. In the instance of the Male in the video you posted, did not deserve a warning because he was being a asshot. Where, George Zimmerman was not being a asshat.