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Re: welcome back home depression!!! -
August 3rd 2013, 02:41 AM
Hey, Justin!
Sorry you're feeling bad again. Everybody has those points in their life where bad feelings sneak up on us again, but it's possible to get through. I think it's a really positive thing that you're wanting to fight it. So, best thing to do is to talk to someone if you can. Someone you trust that'll listen. Is there any reason in particular that's making you feel so down right now? Is there any problems that you can try and resolve? I know you've talked about how you felt like you didn't fit in. Wondering if that was still the issue. 
Something else that'd help is if you try to find some hobbies you enjoy. A little something to lose yourself in and forget about your problems. Exercising can improve your mood as well, I exercise daily. I agree with the above poster, vent in a journal. That'd help to express yourself.
Hope you feel better. Don't give up!
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