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Re: Dating single parents -
July 28th 2013, 03:42 PM
I do not think that it is a big deal to date a single parent. i think one thing to consider though is how having a child might change her attitudes towards dating, maybe she'd take it more seriously, maybe not, maybe she won't take you home until it's serious enough, or maybe not.
What WOULD happen if she took you home to meet her kid? If he's older than about 2-3 years old he'll be able to identify you as someone special if your there a lot, what if he gets attached to your presence in his life and then you and this girl break up? This is why a lot of single parents won't bring dates home until it's serious, but how would that make YOU feel? I'm not using it as a deterrent, I would definitely still date her if you like her, but you might need to do a few things different than with a parentless date
So aside from how being a parent would change her dating style and whether or not you get to go to her house, I'd label those as 2 more major points. But you might also need to be understanding of her bailing last minute, say if you have a date and her kid gets sick or the babysitter bails or she can't find a babysitter at all, OR what if she called and said "hey, I can't get a sitter, i still want to go out, can we go to a more kid friendly place so Jerry can come with us?" You have to be prepared for kid related incidents. Again, it's not a detterrent, but it's sometihng you should be prepared for and the "potentials" I mentioned won't necessarily ever happen, that depends on her attitude... But it's even like she might have to take care of her kid first, so you might want to go out on a Saturday afternoon, but she needs to make sure her kid will be taken care of first if he/she isnt coming... Or it might be easier to go out after his bed time, So just make sure you are conscious of that, make plans well enough ahead of time that she can call a babysitter, don't be surprised if she has a hard time (or impossible of a time) making plans last minute. But this mostly depends on how much support she has, maybe she has a grandmother who's retired and takes her kid last minute all the time, but I'd still be extra respectful of her time any how, make plans ahead of time as often as possible and be understanding if the odd plan falls through due to a child related issue
Feel free to PM me if you ever need to chat or have questions 
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