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minniemouseprincess Offline
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Name: Julia
Age: 30
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Re: Very, very bad case of depression, over 10 year build up - July 25th 2013, 08:02 PM

Wow..I don’t quite know what to say but I guess i’ll start off by saying, I am very sorry about all the crap you have put up with over the years=( Like Sarah said, you seem like a a very good person that just needs someone to be there for him and to care. Your family has been no help to you and thats really too bad. You do know though that nobody can make you better or save you? I tell people, you need to save yourself because you’re the only one that can. I’m not trying to sound harsh or anything, I really mean it. Nobody can save me but myself. Nobody can save the mailman but himself. In order to get better, you need to have the patience and be willing to get better and fight to get better because it certainly will take time and it will be maybe the hardest thing you’ve ever done. But there’s nothing in life thats easy and worth it. I know you are having trouble with pushing yourself to help yourself, whether it be with eating right or excersising, but you just gotta keep trying. You’re right, the first few times, it may not work at all. Nothing may change. But if you keep pushing for it and work a little with it each day, you’ll do better over time. I’m thinking whatever is causing the pain in your heart is from not eating well and no excersise. So this is the precise time to start. I dissagree with you about having nothing to offer anyone and having no skills. Everyone is important. Everyone can do something remarkable, even if they dont know it yet. Anyone can accomplish greatness. And even if you don’t think you have skills right now, you do have a good heart and I feel like you would be a very wonderful and kind friend to someone. To me, thats better than any skill anyone could ever have. Someday, you will have good friends and a girlfriend, someday maybe even a wife and the mother of your children (if you were to want that someday). But you gotta hold on for that because none of that happens overnight. It takes time to find friends and make friends but it will happen throughout your life, sometimes at the most unexpected times. You can meet people pretty much anywhere. I know you are kind of far out though since you are on a farm. I think the best way to make friends right now for you is to talk to people on here. Its not quite the same as knowing them in real life, but it may be of some help and make it not as lonely.There will always be people walking in and out of your life. Some people will stay, some won’t. That’s just part of life. Anyway, you did something really good by joining here. There’s a lot of very kind and helpful people and I think it will be good for you to be here=) If you ever need someone to talk to or would like a friend, I am always here.