Re: I'm scared I'm pregnant. 4th month on my exchange year, 17 and scared. seriously scared. -
July 18th 2013, 06:32 PM
Hey there,
The best thing you can do to put your mind at rest is buy a home pregnancy test. Wait and see if you miss your next period and if you do, take the pregnancy test 1-2 weeks after. Be sure to wait for as long as the test says before taking it, as taking it too early may not give you accurate results.
You said you started having irregular periods 2-3 months into your exchange. Things like increased stress or a change in your eating habits may be causing your period to be late or cause you may miss it altogether. Try to find a healthy way to relax, so that you're not putting a huge strain on your body right now, even though I know it's easier said than done.
For some people, taking an emergency contraceptive pill will affect their menstrual cycle for the next while, so that might also be a factor as to why your period may be late. If this is the case, it is recommended to check this with a doctor.
I would suggest making an appointment with a doctor so they can properly look into why your cycle has become irregular. They can also accurately test for pregnancy. You may want to consider looking into if birth control pills are an option for you. Using condoms as well as taking the pill will greatly decrease your chances of pregnancy, and if the condom does break you would already be taking birth control pills which would act as your safety net.
In the meantime, I would also suggest speaking to someone about this if you haven't already. I understand that it's a very stressful and scary thing to go through. Try talking to a trusted friend, adult, the school guidance counselor, etc. You definitely do not have to go through this alone and it's a huge weight off your shoulders to be able to share your worry with someone else who can offer advice and support.
Hopefully this post helped a bit. Hang in there, alright?
Take care. :]
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