Originally Posted by Brandon
If Trayvon was white, you're absolutely right about that. White on white crime doesn't exactly qualify for national news. If Zimmerman was black, it would've been the same kind of thing. Black on black crime happens too, it just doesn't reach the kind of national news. What if Trayvon was Hispanic? It'd probably reach national news. What if Zimmerman was Hispanic? Well...there'd probably be "border" and "defense" thrown around with politicians and would probably be national news as well. This thread was made because people chose to be ignorant. They pulled out the race card when it arguably had nothing to do with race, and the people got exactly what they wanted...but they just didn't get the right verdict. Now we got a whole bunch of people pissed off because they think they're more knowledge than the justice system. If it were up to them, they'd throw Zimmerman in jail just out of rage and opinion...and that's pretty fucking scary if you ask me. If I was going to put on trial, I'd want people to get their head out of their asses and think logically.
You do know that Zimmerman was Hispanic? When that was pointed out, the media chose to call him white Hispanic.