Originally Posted by Brandon
There seems to be some new development in the case. I'm not sure what is going on. The dude was found not guilty, but it appears the justice department is going to review the case. Here's a question...when will it end? The only end that I see happening is when George Zimmerman is all the sudden found guilty out of bumfuck nowhere.
Technically, since the incident happened solely within Florida's jurisdiction, the Federal government has no constitutional authority to file charges against Zimmerman. The Federal Government cannot supersede state sovereignty when it crimes to judiciary matters, unless the crime falls within Federal jurisdiction.
Their only "constitutional" option is an executive order signed by Obama earlier in his tenure. If a crime is considered a "hate crime", the Federal Government has the authority to file federal charges. However, they can't just throw charges to see what sticks- there has to be clear evidence of a racially based crime, which may have already been ruled out by the FBI's investigation, because they couldn't find any evidence of a racial bias.
However, Eric Holder's already on thin ice, and it sounds like Obama's already given up on it- he made his gun control plug after admitting that "a jury has spoken", and that was about it.