Originally Posted by xHolyValorx
"I'm saying that as long as there is no proof that something doesn't exist everyone should believe in it."
Never said that, and it doesn't make sense. thebigmole, you really don't get it do you? No. My point is that you should stop trying to tell the people who believe in God what to believe. If we believe in God, there's nothing you can do about it. So stop trying to make us prove that there is a god, when you yourself cannot prove that there is one. Got it? You sure? Ok.. Ok. Just making sure.
I simply meant it is what you seem to be implying, at the very least it's how your posts are coming off.
I don't recall ever once saying to anyone to prove the existence of God. This would be out of character for me for several reasons. First I believe that some people need to believe in God or any higher power to get by in life and that's perfectly fine. Second I actually don't care if God exists or not, God could come down to me and say hey look I exist and I still wouldn't follow his narrow minded and discriminatory rules.
Also I never once said anything in my posts about science and I don't really think it matters if you believe in science or not, a lot of Christians do.