I'm lonely and angry and ranting. -
July 8th 2013, 02:29 AM
I'm just done anymore, I can't put much effort into work anymore, I feel like I can't even open my eyes in the morning. I live with my ex and his parents and I'm trying to move out but I don't have the money to move anywhere and my sister's trying to pressure me into moving in with her 3 hours away but I don't really think I could do that especially since she lives with her boyfriend, that'd be awkward. And I'm just kinda pissed off right now, everyone just left me at the house by myself, expecting me to stay at home and watch the dogs for them while they're off wherever they're at spending hours away from here but even asking if I wanted to go, no explanation or anything and this isn't the first time they've done it! I was wanting to go into town and actually maybe spend some quality time away from the house but no, I have stay and babysit. Everyone else is gone all day, and all night and I can't do anything because I can't. And then my mom lectured me as soon as I woke up because I spent $15 (half off) on getting my nose pierced because I need to be saving every single dime I can to move out because she can't stand me being here. It's not exactly a paradise for me either, considering its my ex and his parents. I work for his mom, for God's sake. His mom is my boss! I only make minimum wage so I barely have enough to pay my bills and trying to save up money is hard. I have a little saved up, but not much at all but I'd like to buy something that's not a total necessity. And these dogs are driving me nuts with their barking and whining and licking and biting and shit. Blehhhhhh I'm just done and burnt out and pissed off anymore.
And it doesnt help the guy I really like acts like he likes me but then when he actually has the chance for us to hang out he never does or plans come up and it's just kinda like I'm done with all of people's shit. Especially since I work in freakin fast food, so. much. stress. And I've been stressed lately and my dad died and I don't know if I want to go to college and my mom's bugging me about moving and everything's just piling up and I'm just done. I'm lonely, don't have friends or a boyfriend, and I have no one.