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Re: The link between religion and conflict. - July 7th 2013, 02:26 PM

Well... "conflict" and "war" in this context mean very much the same thing. War is a form on conflict.

Conflict due to differing political values?
Conflict due to different cultures?
Conflict due to different religion?

And those 3 overlap with each other a lot. I think it just isn't fair to pin all the blame on religion like some people do.

If people really want to differentiate between "conflict" and "war", then I suppose the only difference is that war is a stronger word. I've known Christians who slate atheists, and I've known Christians who live at peace with other people, cultures and even religions. In other words, some of them find themselves at conflict with everyone else, some of them don't.

What does this depend on? Genetics? Very little. Genetics is beyond most people's control. It's often down to upbringing. Frequently you hear of kids brought up in strict Christian households who grow up to hate their own religion for at least some time. And it rarely comes entirely from inside them. Usually there's some external factor... and today, most significantly, the media. If it weren't for the media, globalization, science and many other external influences... most of these kids wouldn't dream of "rebelling" against Christian way of life, because they'd have never seen any other alternative way of life. All they'd know is Christianity.

How tolerant or intolerant people are of other religions is almost entirely based on upbringing, which is supposed to instil certain values on kids. When the parents instilling these values are also brainwashed bible-thumping fanatics, then you can expect very little tolerance from such people usually. But where did their fanaticism come from?

I don't go to Church myself often. I almost never do. But recently I had to attend a wedding of a mother's friends' sons' brothers', etc.'... and paid attention to some of the stuff that priest had to say. It wasn't anything radical. It was on the subject of how short-term celebrity marriages are, and how the celebrity culture corrupts this and that, and how the bride and groom on that occasion shouldn't follow the same path, basically. And I even agreed with some of it. But the difference is, I mostly came to my own conclusions on the subject of the "celebrity culture"... by observing for example how stupid people with low wages are buying themselves £100 bottles of champagne to look good on nights out, because that's what celebrities do.

A lot of these other people sitting there in that Church, they don't come to their own conclusions. They listen to the stuff in Church, then repeat it, and teach their kids the same. Take that priest out, and replace him with some more radical alternative... directly preaching mild forms of racism against other ethnicities and intolerance of other religions. Most of those people would still listen to it, and nod their heads, and teach their kids the same shit.

It all comes from the top. The leadership. In religion, in school, and in politics, and in work. If you have a shit, corrupt boss... it affects everyone below him in the hierarchy. If you have a single, corrupt employee, stealing cash... odds are he or she will just loose their job. If you have a crap headmaster in a school whose largest priority is making the school image look immaculate, whilst ignoring or sweeping under the rug severe incidents of bullying to avoid bad publicity, then everyone is effected in the school. Same with religion. Same with politics.

"I don't care about politics"
Then politics doesn't care about you either. Truth. You've got to make your voice heard, if you want to be listened to. But that's too logical for some people, so let me go a step further. Not making your voice heard, leaves other people free to hijack it by speaking on your behalf, even if they don't actually give a shit about you. That's politics. So, make your voice heard. That's not a quote from anywhere. That's just me.