Originally Posted by ~Wallflower~
What weirdo magazines are you reading??? I mean, the ones I read you gotta take with a grain of salt but most of the stuff isn't total rubbish (some of it is a little ridiculous but I wouldn't totally discount it). I'd be the first to admit that half the time it's like "ok, I'd never do that in a million years", but you can easily tailor the suggestions to fit your style, the idea is more or less just to get a broader range of ideas for what's out there, I think women's magazines are a little less crass then ones for men cause women tend to want to hear about the romantic stuff, like date ideas and such versus the best ways to get a girl hot (well, that'd be a guy for most females)... And technically magazines were just one suggestion, not an absolute requirement, because it can help to consult other places while trying to look into your own experiences if you don't know exactly how to change your own experiences to be "better" (for a lack of better words)...... But yeah, definitely look for other sources, magazines shouldn't be your #1 source simply cause it's the one I have suggested here, it's just the one I have thought of first with the easiest to explain
The good ones that advise men on their way. A thing women don't have to even think about, because they get dates left and right (if they want) even if they're average looking and expect men to do all the work. Like I said, I skip the rubbish ones - they're blatant rubbish - but some men can't see that because they're so desperate.
I like how Toy attempts to take that matter in his own hands. Some men are so unlucky that "dates come when you least expect it" doesn't count -- or really when you least expect it, cause you've given up at 50.