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Re: The link between religion and conflict. -
July 5th 2013, 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by Oracle.
Touché, BDF. However, I do think that greed (as well as human nature in general) and religion can be the worst mixture ever. It's a perfect excuse for corrupt leaders to brainwash people into fighting for them. Sure, so are political reasons, but people are probably more likely to "fight for Christianity" than invade some random country because their leader wants them to.
I know the first line of your post refers to "most people" and I can't be sure if "most people" includes me, but I will say that I'm not trying to discredit religion. I don't mind religion, but I do mind it when people get hurt or discriminated against because of it. That's different.
Nah, I wasn't referring to you specifically. I wouldn't be able to judge if you're one of those people if I wanted to. I don't have enough information to go by, lol.
Well... "leaders" will not say straight-up "invade because I want you to". That would be too transparent, and most people would call bullshit on him/her. They rather hide behind something else, such as religion for example, or whatever else, and use it to make it seem like he/she isn't doing it for selfish ends. Whatever else? Things such as political unrest regarding immigration, perhaps, or political unrest regarding terrorist attacks.
I put "leaders" in inverted commas in this context, because I wouldn't call them leaders. But a lot of people do. Their manipulative nature, selfish attitude, and what seems like a greatly retarded moral capacity classifies such people more as psychopaths to me. They represent 25% of the prison populations. They also represent about 25% of politicians and other people in high positions of power. Across the whole population... they represent much less, maybe 4% at most, although I don't remember exactly. I think it's less than that.
So I'm not saying all leaders are like that. I don't want to be mistaken for an anarchist with a "fuck the establishment" attitude. But I do have a "fuck oppressive establishments" attitude. And oppressive establishments often derive from these psychopaths in politics who want to grab everything for themselves with no regard for whom it harms, and are prepared to use force against those who disagree.
Religion/politics... I see very little difference. One's defined by belief in a God, another by belief in a flag, or certain political values, or even a single leader himself (like in Stalinist Russia), which is alike to believing in a God.
Let's note that the two largest wars in human history were hardly centred on religious differences. I don't want to diminish the significance of the Holocaust, but 6 million Jews were killed in comparison to approximately 60 million people in total in the 2nd World War. The 2nd World War wasn't by any means caused by religion, despite the 6 million dead Jews. It was initiated by Germany entirely, which at the time, didn't represent any religious beliefs as such in their politics.
"I don't care about politics"
Then politics doesn't care about you either. Truth. You've got to make your voice heard, if you want to be listened to. But that's too logical for some people, so let me go a step further. Not making your voice heard, leaves other people free to hijack it by speaking on your behalf, even if they don't actually give a shit about you. That's politics. So, make your voice heard. That's not a quote from anywhere. That's just me.