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Algernon Offline
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Outside, huh?
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Name: Holly
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Re: What proof do you want? And in turn, what proof do you have? - April 5th 2009, 01:28 AM

Originally Posted by Acheron View Post
Of course we can't. This is what pretty much every atheist on this forum has been saying time and time again, although the theists seem to have ignored us. I'll rehash it for your benefit. Proving the non-existence of anything, including God, is logically impossible. And no, the burden of proof doesn't just magically switch because you want it to: in any system of logical debate those making a claim need to provide evidence to support it, something that theists have so far failed to do.
See? I made an example. Doesn't it pressure, irritate, and put you down when you believe in something, but you can't prove it. Then people come along blah blah blah and here comes the fire. Some people are of faith, and then there are people of science (Then a few of both such as myself) Everyone believes in something different, we can't prove God exists, and you can't prove that he doesn't exist. How many scientists out in the world believe in the existence of a God?

Geek? Nerd? More like intellectual badass.

"You ran through Africa, and Asia, and Indonesia.. And now I've found you, and I love you. I want to know your name."