Re: Self-harm habits. -
June 23rd 2013, 04:19 PM
Obviously I'm not going to answer the one about what I've used. I've gone a month and a half without burning or cutting so.... whoo...
Where do you self-harm (in your house)?
Mostly in my room, or bathroom. I've done it at school though, in the girl's bathroom.
Where do you self-harm (on your body)?
I guess I should say first that I've been SHing since November 2011, and I started on my hands and arms. Around May of 2012, I had to get really clever, so I cut my waist hips and stomach. In like, October of 2012 though, I did my arms a little again. And my last episode, which was a burn, was on my wrist.
How often do you self-harm?
It used to be several times a day, which turned into several times a week, which has gone to about once a month, but.... I don't know.
How much do you self-harm (e.g. number of cuts)?
I've self harmed maybe a good 250 times. At least.
What time of day do you usually self-harm?
Nighttime. As late as possible.
Where do you keep the things you use to self-harm?
In a box, a little pink box, that my friend gave me a necklace in. I keep the little box in a drawer in my nightstand next to my bed under all of my notebooks.
Have you ever had to go to hospital/got an infected wound/needed help afterwards?
Yes... March 7th 2012. Worst day of my life, I think. I had cut several, many many times that day, and my counselor made me have an inspection, she dragged me without my jacket through the hallway of my middle school peers and friends(I was in eighth grade), through the high school's hallways where several of my upper-grade friends were watching me walk by sobbing(the high school is connected to the middle school), to their nurses office where my principal, my vice principal, my counselor, and nurses treated me like a science project and bandaged me up and took pictures of my arms, and then from there I spent the rest of the day talking to the counselor and then went to the doctor right after school, they thought I was infected.
And then more recently, May 8th, after getting caught, I had to go to the nurse and get this weird cream for a burn. Then spent the rest of the day in the guidance office and my principal's office....