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Name: Jonathan
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How do I help my girlfriend? - June 21st 2013, 11:47 PM

Note: I decided to put this in the "Relationships and Dating" forum as opposed to the "Mental Health" or "Anxiety" forum due to the fact that this involves not only her and her life, but our relationship as well.

I love my girlfriend to death, and I'll do anything to help her. The thing is, she has agoraphobia - the extreme or irrational fear of crowded spaces or enclosed public places. In other words, she's afraid to go out to eat, or the mall, or whatever. First of all, she "feels bad" (it doesn't get anymore detailed than that unfortunately). Apparently she has felt bad when going out to restaurants her whole life. However, this anxiety she has for going out in general started "recently" - within the last six months I'd say. I've tried helping her and talking to her about it countless times, but it just gets "too serious" for her to talk about; then I get frustrated. Why am I frustrated? Because I'm trying everything I can to help her out and talk to her about it and be there for her, but it's like she's not willing to make the first step. Her parents think she's being silly, so they obviously won't take her to a psychiatrist or any other doctor. I'm the only one who listens...the only one who's trying. I'd love to take her out to nice romantic dinners, or go hang out at the mall, or go do something fun outside of the house, but I can't because her phobia is keeping me from doing so. I love her so much. How can I help her? Please...