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Re: Finding legitimate sources about religion - June 20th 2013, 07:09 PM

Like I said, you're still boxing evangelical Christians. It boils down to individuals. Not groups. One conservative Evangelical Christian might support gay marriage, while the other may not. If you want to find out about groups, then read their beliefs based on their organization. I.E. Independent Baptists website. This still doesn't mean all Independent Baptists believe what the Independent Baptist websites says they believe. It will just prove what the independent baptists who wrote the site believe, and sometimes not even then. Which is why this doesn't change what I said at all, and you've still completely misunderstood me, it boils down to individuals. It's all personal preference. So, if you want to know what an evangelical Christian believes, ask individual Evangelical Christians, because I guarantee one will believe different from the next and you won't find common beliefs on all evangelical doctrines.

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