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MajorMusician Offline
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Re: why do people self harm? - June 16th 2013, 01:47 PM

Well, from my own experience with self harm it's really just a coping method. It's a dismissive way of putting away your stress and your anger. It's not right either. Another common misconception is that in order to be depressed you have to cut yourself. That's not true in anyway. But, I understood that. And in my particular case. I started too lie to people. Saying I did cut myself when I didn't. You know why? Because now days everyone thinks that either you cut yourself or you're happy. That lie ended up making me lose a lot of important things. Like my Girlfriend. It made me start to actually self harm because I felt like I owed it to her and too all the people I lied too. I guess I just kinda felt guilty. Self harm is a motive based action. It's a why. Why would someone self harm? It really depends on the predicament that the persons in. Sometimes it's guilt. Sometimes it's a coping method. Sometimes it's a cry for help. It varies from person too person. If you are thinking about doing that too yourself, please don't. There are better ways to release anger and to put things aside. Hell, talk to me if you have too. Just don't make the mistakes that I made okay? Stay strong :*