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ilikethisgame Offline
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - June 10th 2013, 02:53 AM

To A: I've always loved you. Whenever something bad goes on in my life, I crave you to talk to. You to make it all better. You were the first one to know the real me. I wish you never moved away, I wish you never got a new girlfriend, I wish you could email me and tell me you feel the same way. My last relationship made me realise that even years after, it was just to fill the void. You are the one I love, I will never stop. I'm sorry I was too late and too scared.

To B: I wish I never bothered with you, the pain you put me through. The lies, the games, how the hell do you expect me to ever trust a single person again!? I hope you don't pass your driving test, I hope you don't get an apprenticeship, I hope you don't get to university, I hope soon you'll be crying in your bed because you miss me and you messed up big time. You don't deserve anything or anyone, I hope you rot in hell.
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