What do you use to self-harm?
Where do you self-harm (in your house)?
bathroom at home, but away from the mirror. If it's picking, then it's where ever I am at the moment. Sometimes I'd go to a bathroom in front of the mirror or if a mirror is anywhere else.
Where do you self-harm (on your body)?
picking is arms. legs and face sometimes chest, shoulders and neck. Cutting is upper legs.
How often do you self-harm?
picking everyday. Cutting varies. So far I'm cutting free since may 31, 2013
How much do you self-harm (e.g. number of cuts)?
for picking, it's anything I can pick, that varies a lot. (In the summer for example I'd get 30 mosquito bites and pick every single one, every day until there's nothing left to pick.) For cutting, it's 1-5 cuts depending. Usually 2 vertical cuts on each upper leg.
What time of day do you usually self-harm?
picking is any time of day. Cutting would be late at night usually.
Where do you keep the things you use to self-harm?
I have shaving razors in the bathroom, but the one I use is right by my bed in a basket. My fingers for picking are always attached to my body.
Have you ever had to go to hospital/got an infected wound/needed help afterwards?
I have bled heavy from
SH but never went to the hospital. Maybe after picking the wound got infected but took care of it myself.