Thread: Kinda lonely?
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Re: Kinda lonely? - June 6th 2013, 02:15 PM

Hey Anna

I'm home schooled as well
And I really like this guy that I see once a week..
So i know what u mean

If you really like him then ask him if he wants to hang out at the mall or something.
If not then go to the park
Go to the mall (u can always meet people there)
I love going on adventures lol
Even if its just getting lost in the store
Any friends to hang out with?
If so then hang out with them.
I don't have many friends so I'm not sure how it all works lol

Hope I helped!

Stay Strong <3

Sticks and stones break your bones,
I know what you're feeling
Words like those won't steal your glow,
you're one in a million" ~ Britt Nicole