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cookiesamilk Offline
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Name: Caitlin
Age: 26
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Re: why do people self harm? - June 5th 2013, 05:47 PM

For me, it's because I hide my emotions. A lot of people above said that they were always taught growing up that they shouldn't show their emotions, it's the opposite for me. My parents were very open to listening to me and holding me when I cry, but for some reason I always had it in my mind as a bad thing. I hated crying in front of them and I would avoid them all day because I knew I would burst into tears and talk to them. So, I got so overwhelmed with emotions from locking it all inside that I resorted to harming myself. It's just a way to make me feel better and a way to get my emotions out. It makes me feel more in control of all the emotions that are starting to erupt inside.