Re: My Rant About Science vs. Religion -
April 4th 2009, 04:40 AM
Religion is the opiate of the people, blah blah blah. Sorry, Smitten, but Marx came up with that theory first.
I do agree with some of the content, if not the language of your post, though.
My initial post refers only to the Torah, which was written LONG before the Christian additions.
While I do agree that religion is a useful tool in crowd control, I don't think it necessarily follows that it's nothing MORE than a useful tool to subdue the masses. Christianity has a lot more of that, traditionally, than Judaism at any rate, and perhaps than most other religions.
There are a few technicalities in your post though. The NT was written in Greek, wasn't it? Romans spoke Latin, no? And they didn't exactly invent the concepts of loving thy neighbour (that's actually in the OT, too) or an eternal soul (see all other major world religions) OR that good behaviour leads to rewards in later life. Classical Greek and Roman mythology contained an immortal soul, a heaven-like afterlife (the Elysian fields) and a hell-like one (Hades--a word sometimes used to refer to Christian Hell in poetry).
Congrats Canada's Juniors! 5 in a row!
Last Sunday morning, the sunshine felt like rain.
Week before, they all seemed the same.
And oh, I ain't wastin' time no more
Cause time goes by like hurricanes, and faster things.
--The Allman Brothers Band
Things seem impossible until you start to do them.
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