Thread: Kinda lonely?
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Brandon Offline
I can't get enough
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Re: Kinda lonely? - May 29th 2013, 03:46 AM

I know a woman who I've known since high school who is like that; she's either got a really secret love-life or she's just not interested in that stuff right now. You remind me a lot about her. I don't even know her that much, but I'm sure she's had natural desires for mating and all that stuff, but she spends a lot of time with her friends. I think that you just need more interaction with people since you're home-schooled. Part of growing up is gaining social skills, and school kind of helps with that; if you don't have enough interaction with people, then you're probably gonna feel that loneliness. If you spend a lot of times with your friends but you still feel lonely, then what's wrong with pursuing people? Marriage is different than dating; it's not like you need a certain qualification in order to date people because dating is just the initial step. If they don't like the fact that you're home-schooled down the road or something along those lines, you break up. There's no contract in relationships. In my experience, pursuing people helped deal with my loneliness because at least I was trying to do something about it. Just do something.