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BlueEyedBeauty Offline
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Name: Barb
Age: 33
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Question Boyfriends mood triggering cutting, help!! - May 28th 2013, 10:33 PM

I know this is long...But I had to explain the situation. Please read.
How do I deal with a boyfriend who is in constant need of reassurance of my love and relationship? It’s emotionally draining every time this happens. I spend several hours on the phone expressing my love and that I don’t want anyone else. Then all he says is that “he is easily replaceable, I deserve better, that I probably already have other boyfriends.” When he is happy he is really happy and loving, then when he is depressed he gets low self-esteem and confidence. And talks about trying to get away from it all or that he should just die. I am emotionally and physically drained after these conversations that take place because I am constantly explaining that I’m not leaving him, love him, and never want to let him go. How can I deal with this without being completely drained from talking to him in one of these moods? Background on myself; I am a recovering self-harmer. I have self-harmed since I was 10. I am now 21. My last cut was in January. His moods trigger my anxiety to cut and the need to release the stress from my veins instead of expressing to him how I feel. That way it doesn’t send him into one of his moods or worsens the one that he is having. Please help!!!