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Name: Isaac/Zac
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Re: Self harm affecting me - May 28th 2013, 02:09 PM

Hey Heather. First off welcome to TH, I hope you like it here.
It's really nice that you care so much about your friend and are trying to help them through the stuff they're dealing with and I can understand you being tempted by the idea of the "relief" that self harm can give. But as someone who is dealing with it myself I can tell you that it makes life a lot harder than it might seem and the help that it gives disappears quicker than you might think. I can only imagine that it'd be much harder and escalate much quicker if you started while having a friend who self harms. And I know you'd find it harder to help them stop.

So my advice would just be to stay strong for yourself and your friend and not start. It's a horrible habit and is extremely difficult to break once started. As for what you're going through maybe you could try talking to your friend and getting support from her as well? But we're always here if you need support or advice too, it seems you're getting the hang of the forums though, maybe try chat sometime.

Anyway, I hope I helped a little. Don't hesitate to message me if you have any questions.

- Zace