Originally Posted by ghostlyheartbeat
I don't believe you can prove nor disprove the presence of god, some people 'know' he exists, which is faith in pure, and some can scientifically argue, there is no possible way for him to. Frankly, debates like this will never cease to amaze me, no one is going to get the opposition to budge here, we're all too strongly opinionated. So to end up, I just wanted to put a little note in, perhaps for each side to understand? Atheism is a hard 'religion' for lack of better words. They know there is nothing for them after they die, for stepping into something where you know you just cease to exist, I commend you. For those strong christians, catholics, muslims, etc, etc, your faith will always astound me, for people to believe something so strongly, is amazing, especially in the modern world when so little people do.
I'll have to agree for the most part with this.
Originally Posted by suniesha
I'm not gonna argue with you yournightmare cuz frankly we all know the truth wether or not you're religious or not.. I'm just gonna leave it at that.
I would like to point out that no one here has a monopoly on the truth. If you're going to be speaking that like, as you alone hold the truth on some pedestal, then you're not exactly welcome in a debate of this nature.